5 Things To Know Before Becoming an Exchange Student
When thinking about becoming an exchange student it is important to reevaluate the reasons. The reasons should be clear and should not be a way for one to escape reality. Think carefully about this. Life if not going to take a 180 shift, while you are away. Your thoughts about certain topics are going to change, but things around you will most commonly not change a bit. But there are important things to know before you decide to become an exchange student: You will most likely encounter a different culture This is very normal, and the only way to deal with is to try to have a talk about it. Once you are with your hostfamily and have gotten to know them, you can have a chat about what it is like growing up and living in the country. Then you can come with informations about how it is to live in your own country. Make sure that this conversations will be as unbiased as possible, if not, it might give the impression that you do not like the family and their culture. A new lan...